Tag Archives: Dessert

Dreamy Whipped Cream Cake

Dreamy Whipped Cream Cake

Our community is under a lot of distress right now. Hurricane Harvey may be gone but what is left behind is beyond description. I’m sure all of you have seen on the news images of houses and entire neighborhoods completely flooded. But now that the waters have receded and people started working on their homes, what you see is even worse:… Continue Reading

Vegan Banana Chocolate Cake

Vegan Banana Chocolate Cake

This rich and moist cake is made of humble ingredients and is as easy to make as 1-2-3! It does not contain any eggs, milk or butter, so it’s good for when you want to watch your diet, or those with dairy allergies. You will not find this recipe elsewhere, it is one of my… Continue Reading

Martha Stewart’s Vanilla Sheet Cake With Lemon Cream-Cheese Frosting

Martha Stewart’s Vanilla Sheet Cake With Lemon Cream-Cheese Frosting

The June 2016 issue of the Martha Stewart’s Living magazine was a celebration of food and summer gatherings. Amongst everything, I found an all-american recipe that I couldn’t wait to try: The Vanilla Sheet Cake With Cream-Cheese Lemon Frosting. It seemed to be so summery and refreshing, that I promised myself (and my family) that it… Continue Reading

Almond Milk Rice Pudding

Almond Milk Rice Pudding

Rice pudding. Sweet, creamy and rich… simply delicious. If you have ever prepared rice pudding at home, then you certainly know this: the amount of time you have to devote in the kitchen, stirring constantly above a hot pan, can exceed 45 minutes! This is why I don’t make rice pudding very often, but when I… Continue Reading

Savarin Au Cognac – An Easy Family Recipe

Savarin Au Cognac – An Easy Family Recipe

Happy 2016 everyone! I should probably be kicking off the new year with healthy quinoa salads, new ways to enjoy kale, sharing organizational tips and so on… Instead, I’ve been spending the first days of the year relaxing, enjoying most of my time indoors (it has been raining non-stop in Northern California), getting creative in a totally old-fashioned way (post coming up… Continue Reading

Apple Walnut Cake

Apple Walnut Cake

If there is only one cake you will bake this season, this has to be the one! Classic and simple, but filled with the flavors of fall; moist and soft from the apples; rich and nutty from the walnuts; with a sweet but a little crispier, crumble-style top.  Is there anything more that you could want with a… Continue Reading

Pasta Flora – Sweet Tart With Apricot Jam

Pasta Flora – Sweet Tart With Apricot Jam

Pasta Flora, the traditional Greek sweet tart topped with a thick layer of  jam, is one of my favorite pastries, especially when it’s prepared with good quality ingredients. Because of its biscuity nature, this is not meant to be a dessert.  Instead, have it with your afternoon coffee or tea. The kids will also love it  with… Continue Reading

Chocolate Mosaic With Biscuits And Marshmallows

Chocolate Mosaic With Biscuits And Marshmallows

Chocolate Mosaic is a classic “easy-to-make-at-home” dessert that has been prepared in many parts of Europe for generations. It’s actually so old, that my grandmother Irene was still using blocks of ice  to keep this dessert (and other food, too) cold, back when refrigerators had barely made their appearance and ice was still delivered in every home on a daily… Continue Reading

Snowy White Chocolate Crescent Cookies

Snowy White Chocolate Crescent Cookies

There was a time way before the internet when recipes were exchanged on paper. That’s exactly how I got the recipe for these chocolate cookies; a colleague had brought into the office an American cookbook (and that was not very common in Greece in the early 90s!) and I photocopied a couple of recipes, including… Continue Reading

Make A Classic Crème Caramel

Make A Classic Crème Caramel

Crème Caramel has been in every single cookbook for generations, but it falls into that category of desserts that we tend to forget about! So, take out your own recipe or follow mine, because it’s time we made this classic dessert! I happen to think my mom’s recipe is the best of all.  Every time I prepare it, everyone is delighted.… Continue Reading