A Little Kitchen Organization: Everything In A Tray!

A Little Kitchen Organization: Everything In A Tray!

I try to keep the kitchen counters clutter free; I spend lots of time cooking, and I like to have a clean and organized space where I can function and enjoy my time when preparing a meal. Lately,  I’ve noticed that stuff has been adding up on the counters: we just got a new coffeemaker and we’re not quite ready to get rid of the old one; I recently decided that the cutting boards should always be on hand, so I took them out of the cupboard; I gathered some cooking utensils in a favorite ceramic container, just because I thought it looked nice; and I just can’t hide away the beautiful herb pot that I made myself, and which is actually always filled with some  herb that I use on a recipe.

Anyways, things having been adding up and it was time for a little counter re-organization. This oversized woven tray was the answer. It was used to keep wood logs by the fireplace and it has now a new place in the kitchen.

Inside it, I gathered almost everything that was on the counters with the exception of the coffee makers and the mixer which sit in a corner and my cooking essentials that were already nicely organized. Everything else that was laying here and there is now gathered in one single place!

Woven Tray Organization - mydearireneSo inside my huge tray, I have things that I use almost on a daily basis but are still good looking enough to be out of the cupboards * the cutting boards (with their cute little leather detail) *  two extra large glass jars where I store flour and sugar in large quantities *  a green tea tin container  * Greek mountain tea that is stored in a glass jar (that is super good for you) * a ceramic pot with a lattice pattern that holds an inexpensive, old flatware set that I use mostly when cooking (instead of burning and destroying my nice flatware set) * another identical ceramic pot with frequently used kitchen utensils (an ice cream scoop, for example, a strainer for the tea and more) * my lovely diy herb plant pot that I made a while ago. And there is still a little space for something to add, if needed.

All In A Tray - mydearirene

I placed the tray in a corner of the kitchen – right under some of my mom’s amazing art – and I now have ample counter space for cooking and baking! Just like that, everything is organized again and the kitchen looks tidy and clean! Wonderful!

Jars In Woven Tray - mydearirene


2 Responses to A Little Kitchen Organization: Everything In A Tray!

  1. Great idea Angelica! Neat, tidy and organized! I believe if something has a designated space we are more likely to put it back there…(I try to instill this in my daughters…still working on that one.)

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Hi! I'm Angelica! For the last ten years I've been sharing my cooking, home projects and ideas with my sister Irene. "Once Again, My Dear Irene" is just an extension of our daily chats. Moreover "My Dear Irene" Continue Reading