DIY Vintage Crate With Planted Flowers

DIY Vintage Crate With Planted Flowers

It’s not every day that you can find a free wooden crate like the beautiful wine crates  I got a few months ago, but it’s easy enough to buy one for just a few dollars and make it look like it’s a vintage one! They sell plain ones, in various sizes, at the craft and home improvement stores. I bought a small one made of pine, that’s just about 10 x 5 x 12 inches.

Plain Crate - mydearirene

I applied a coat of stain on its exterior and interior. 

Stained Crate - mydearirene

I used charcoal paint to stencil something that looks and sounds vintage.

Stenciled Crate- mydearirene

And when it was dry, I added a coco liner and planted flowers.

Flowers II - mydearirene

Crate On The Table - mydearirene

Crate With Planters - mydearirene


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Hi! I'm Angelica! For the last ten years I've been sharing my cooking, home projects and ideas with my sister Irene. "Once Again, My Dear Irene" is just an extension of our daily chats. Moreover "My Dear Irene" Continue Reading