How To Organize Your Junk Drawer

How To Organize Your Junk Drawer

All of us have one!  A special drawer to hide all the things we don’t know where to place.  It can be in the kitchen, the bathroom, the laundry room, even the nightstand or a desk.  Mine is in the kitchen (I have others, too!) and it doesn’t look all that bad, only because the two-month period we’ve been in the new house is not long enough to accumulate that much junk.  Here’s what it looks like:

My Junk Drawer

So I gathered some empty food jars, which, by the way, I never throw away, and some stickers.

Jars and Stickers

I spray-painted the lids (I like white best) and used the stickers to label each one (I like red best).  I even brought in a few items that I often need in the kitchen and for which I always have to run to another part of the house to get them like cotton balls, matches, aspirin.  How organized and cute is that?

So Much Fun In A Drawer

Drawer After

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Hi! I'm Angelica! For the last ten years I've been sharing my cooking, home projects and ideas with my sister Irene. "Once Again, My Dear Irene" is just an extension of our daily chats. Moreover "My Dear Irene" Continue Reading