Mismatched Frames

Mismatched Frames

My son’s room hosts three, yes three, IKEA desks – and not because he’s a homework lover, but only because there is nowhere else to place those desks (in our old house they used to be in three different rooms).  I also had to fill this long-long-long wall  in his room with some furniture –  which I didn’t have  – so the IKEA desks worked out perfectly.

Before Wall

Now, the wall above the desks is left not only with a white canvas, but also me and my strikingly small, that is non-existent, collection of artwork. 

Luckily, I found these frames at a garage sale about two weeks ago.  I got all five frames for $5!

Frames Before

All frames were in different sizes, colors, materials. I brought them home, added a couple of others that I already had, spray painted them all in gray and only one in bright red, for color. I went through my son’s artwork that I’ve collected over the school years, and picked the ones representative of each era, framed them, and voila!

Photo Wall After

A couple of tricks to share:

Before hanging them, I laid them on a flat surface and moved them around a few times to find out how I liked them best.  I took a picture and started by hanging the middle one first.  With the picture on my phone, I was able to hang the other ones around.Layout

This one came with no glass.  No worries!  I taped the picture with double-sided tape directly on the wall, in the middle of the frame.

Red FrameThis was actually a clock that stopped working.  I just removed the face of the clock, and kept the frame!

Boat Frame

And this wonderful piece of art was too small for the frame.  I didn’t have anything to use as a border, so I just added some yellow wrapping paper!

Yellow Frame

2 Responses to Mismatched Frames

  1. This I have to do. I had this exact conversation with my friends here in Bucharest the other day. We all have a huge pile of drawings that we never actually get to see and enjoy.

    • Hi!! There will be another post, soon, on what to do with that huge pile of drawings that many of us have! You and your friends will love it!

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Hi! I'm Angelica! For the last ten years I've been sharing my cooking, home projects and ideas with my sister Irene. "Once Again, My Dear Irene" is just an extension of our daily chats. Moreover "My Dear Irene" Continue Reading